Ebba Vest by Kristin Drysdale • Scandiwork
- Description
Nous sommes heureuses de vous présenter le pull sans manches romantique de Kristin Drysdale • Scandiwork: Ebba Vest, créé avec Biches & Bûches Le Petit Lambswool 🐚
You may have seen Kristin's designs before in a Laine Magazine or by following her on Instagram, with her poetic designs filled with Scandinavian traditional touches and motifs.
An Ode to Valentine’s Day
"At our house, we love Valentine’s Day. We start celebrating Valentine’s Day the day we take the Christmas tree down. It’s the season to read “Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch” and to make valentines and fill our home with hearts. Honestly, I love hearts year round, but in January and February we bake heart-shaped bread, cookies, pizza, cinnamon rolls and make heart-shaped pancakes and even heart-shaped ravioli. We hang hearts on the front door and in the windows. We cut out paper hearts and leave love notes in a little mailbox for each other, take heart-shaped cookies to neighbors, listen to love songs and do our best to share the love. One year, all six of us skied out onto a frozen lake and left a giant heart-shaped trail. It’s just part of our family culture. We take to heart the elementary-school version of Valentine’s Day. We believe Valentine’s Day (and season) is a time to show love and kindness to everyone. I admit that this Ebba Vest was absolutely designed as a valentine. I wanted to capture this time, this feeling, this season of love and kindness to all. It’s full of candy hearts, paper flowers, and xoxo patterns. It’s even knit in the round, so that the hearts and love are eternal. It’s knit bottom up, with steeks for the armscyes and the neck. I used two different Le Petit Lambswool reds and two different Le Petit Lambswool pinks to sprinkle across a field of white. I chose two different shades because I couldn’t pick a favorite and I’m crazy about the subtle change of colors throughout the vest. Most of the colorwork is done with two colors, but there are a few rows when you will be knitting with three colors at once. It’s for sure a festive piece to wear every day during the Valentine season, but I love to wear it year-round, because the world can never have enough love."
- Kristin Drysdale
The Pattern
- The Pattern is available on Kristin Drysdale's Ravelry page here
- It is available in English
- The Pattern is not included with the Wool Bundle for copyright raisons
Colors & Wool Bundle
- The original Wool and colors for Ebba Vest as seen on the photos is Biches & Bûches Le Petit Lambswool in Off White (MC), Medium Red (CC A1), Norwegian Red (CC A2), Rose Grey (CC B1), Soft Pink Grey (CC B2)
- You can also make your own color combination for your Ebba Vest, with 5 colors in Le Petit Lambswool. Select then "Custom Colors" and share your color choice with us during checkout in the "Special Instructions Box" (Example: MC = Dark Blue, CC A1 = Off White, CC A2 = Orange Red, CC B1 = Light Peach, CC B2 = Soft Gold)
- You are welcome to message us on the Chat for any questions you may have and for colorway ideas 💌
The photos are courtesy of Kristin Drysdale • Scandiwork
- La laine originale, dans la ou les couleur.s choisie.s
- La quantité de laine nécessaire, en fonction de la taille choisie
- Le pochon Biches & Bûches pour toute commande à partir de 50 euros
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