SUMU Scarf by Camille Romano
SUMU Scarf by Camille Romano

SUMU Scarf by Camille Romano

€106,75 Sale Save
Colorway Original Colors

We are happy to introduce the beautiful SUMU Scarf and its original Wool Bundle, designed by Camille Romano, with Biches & Bûches yarns Le Lambswool and Le Gros Silk & Mohair 🐚

SUMU is a gorgeous Scarf that is both very cosy with Camille's yarn base choice and playful with its geometrical shapes interchanging on each level. I had never tried Intarsia before making my little Blue version of SUMU and find it very playful and enjoyable following Camille's Pattern. With this Woolen duo, there is also so much to be had picking one's colorway.

"SUMU (meaning fog in Finnish) is a scarf knitted with two colours using the intar- sia technique. The scarf is knitted in 1/1 rib throughout and features a geometric play on stripes. It is inspired by the layers of fog over the landscape."

- Camille Romano


The Pattern

  • The Pattern is available on Camille's webshop here and on Ravelry here 
  • It is available in English, French
  • The Pattern is not included with the Wool Bundle for copyright


Colors & Wool Bundle

  • SUMU Scarf and its original Wool Bundle is with Biches & Bûches yarns
    • Le Lambswool - Dark Green Grey
    • Le Gros Silk & Mohair - Hay

  • You can discover Camille's lovely test knitters versions and notes on Ravelry from Alice - Birgit - Roby (big thank you <3)

  • The Blue Version en-cours is a colorway Caroline chose at the Atelier

  • We made different color combinations ideas, and you are welcome to choose one of them or make another one. Select then "Custom Colors" and share your color choice duo with us during checkout, in the Special Instructions Box (Example: Le Lambswool Very Dark Blue, Le Gros Silk & Mohair Orange Red")

  • You are welcome to message us via the Chat for color ideas and any question you may have 💌



The photos of original SUMU Scarf are courtesy of Camille Romano @CamilleJulieRomano and @HenriVogtPhoto


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