Biches & Bûches Toscana Sweater knitting kit
- Description
- Dans le KIT TRICOT
The Toscana Sweater is a romantic design featuring a lace panel pattern and a boat neck.
Designed with our new Le Petit Organic Cotton, the Toscana Sweater is a romantic with its lacy details on the front and the three-quarter-lenght, set-in sleeves and the boat neck.
The Pattern
- The Pattern is available in English and French 📋
- It is included as a PDF with your knitting kit in these 2 languages 📒
- A link to download will be shared with you by email 📬
Colors & knitting kit
- The original color is the undyed Off White
- If you would like to knit your pullover in another color, you can choose any color you wish below
- The Sweater on the photos is a size Medium and Astrid who is wearing it is 1m72
- La laine originale, dans la ou les couleur.s choisie.s
- La quantité de laine nécessaire en fonction de la taille choisie
- Le patron en format PDF 📋
- Le pochon Biches & Bûches pour toute commande à partir de 50 euros
• Håndvaskes ved maks. 30°C
• Tørres fladt på et håndklæde
• Håndteres forsigtigt, mens sweateren er våd, så den ikke strækker sig
Planlæg dit strikkeprojekt
Trin 1
Tjek, at du har alle de rigtige pindestørrelser til dit næste strikkeprojekt.
Du kan finde alle vores strikkepinde i menuen "Knitting Tools".
Vælg dit strikkekit, enten i de originale farver eller i dine egne farver🤍
Bestil dit Biches & Bûches strikkekit (opskriften er inkluderet) 🎊